Электронная библиотека (репозиторий) Томского государственного университета
Title Hits Visitors Downloads
Electron-phonon interaction in the 4/3-monolayer of Pb on Si(111):theory versus He-atom scattering experiments 1756 1721 4
Evidence for a spin acoustic surface plasmon from inelastic atom scattering 1481 1508 74
Phonons in ultrathin Bi(111) films: Role of spin-orbit coupling in electron-phonon interaction 2286 2272 7
Vibrational spectroscopy and theory of alkali metal adsorption and co-adsorption on single-crystal surfaces 3243 3191 5
Unveiling mode-selected electron–phonon interactions in metal films by helium atom scattering 3975 3934 7
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Benedek, G.

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Benedek, G.

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